Upcoming Events
Public Speaking
If you are looking for a speaker for your group or event, Alice would be happy to share her knowledge with you and get your members thinking about planning for their future.
Suggested topics might include:
- Reasons to prepare a Will and the issues to consider
- How to protect your estate against care home fees, spendthrift beneficiaries or their future remarriage and divorce
- Inheritance tax thresholds and lifetime gifting
- Setting up a power of attorney
- Creating an advanced decision to refuse treatment or an advanced care plan for future treatment and care
Past Events
Free Wills & LPA Legal Clinic - Honey Bea's Cafe, Winchcombe
Saturday 14th December 10:00-11:15
Do you have any questions about planning for your future?
Alice will be offering free, no obligation, advice on Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney at Honey Bea's Cafe, Winchcombe on Saturday 14th December from 10:00am -11:15am. Come along and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake while having your questions answered.
Free Wills & LPA Legal Clinic - Honey Bea's Cafe, Winchcombe
Saturday 9th November 10:00-11:15
Do you have any questions about planning for your future?
Alice will be offering free, no obligation, advice on Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney at Honey Bea's Cafe, Winchcombe on Saturday 9th November from 10:00am -11:15am. Come along and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake while having your questions answered.
Free Wills & LPA Legal Clinic - Tewkesbury Abbey Visitor Centre
Saturday 6th April 10:30-12:30
Do you have any questions about planning for your future?
Alice will be offering free, no obligation, advice on Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney at Tewkesbury Abbey Visitor Centre on Saturday 6th April from 10:30am -12:30pm. Come along and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake while having your questions answered.
Saturday 23rd February 10:30-12:30
Do you have any questions about planning for your future?
Alice will be offering free, no obligation, advice on Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney at Churchdown Community Centre on Saturday 23rd Feb from 10:30am -12:30pm. Come along and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake while having your questions answered.
All contributions made towards refreshments will be donated to Dementia UK.
Saturday 2nd February 10:30-12:30
Do you have any questions about planning for your future?
Alice will be offering free, no obligation, advice on Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney at Prestbury WI Hall on 2nd Feb from 10:30am -12:30pm. Come along and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake while having your questions answered.
All contributions made towards refreshments will be donated to Dementia UK.